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Home > Projects > The River Rede > The River Rede’s Journey

The Rede rises in the wild, upland bogs of Northumberland Wildlife Trust’s Whitelee National Nature Reserve, at Carter Fell on the English-Scottish border.  The River and its tributaries add to the habitat diversity on the reserve. Otters often hunt along the Rede. Adder and common lizard are common here as well as palmate newts on small pools along the burn. A herd of feral goats can sometimes be seen on the border with Kielderhead. Led by Northumberland Wildlife Trust, Revitalising Redesdale is working to restore Redesdale’s peatland, which will help hold more water on the fells and reduce sedimentation downstream. Find out more about our Peatland Restoration here.

Northumberland Wildlife Trust volunteers restoring peat on Whitelee Moor, helping to hold water on the moor and reduce sedimentation downstream – February 2018

From here the Rede feeds Catcleugh Reservoir and flows 24 miles past forests and farmland to the River North Tyne, near Redesmouth village.  As the streams flow through the surrounding moors, the peat bogs regulate the water quality and flow, helping the river to support salmon, trout and freshwater pearl mussels. 

Catcleugh Reservoir from the dam

Have you spotted some interesting wildlife in Redesdale?