June 19, 2020
This week, we would like to take the opportunity to showcase other fantastic blogs from our Partners and elsewhere. Revitalising Redesdale is a Landscape Partnership and it is because of the support, guidance and investments made by our Partners that we are able to deliver such a wide variety of projects for Redesdale.
Blogs are an informal way to find out about an organisation, its raison d’être and its values, which is why we created My Revitalising Redesdale. What better way to find out about the Partners that make up Revitalising Redesdale Landscape Partnership?
The Natural England blog covers a wide range of environmental topics and is a great place to learn about its pioneering work helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy. From other landscape-scale ecological improvement projects like the North Devon Landscape Pioneer to researching how we are connecting with nature during the coronavirus pandemic, it is a great place to get up to speed with what is happening all over England.
Over the past few months, many of us have found a new appreciation for natural and outdoor spaces. Part of the reason for this is how much better we feel for spending time in them. Northumberland Wildlife Trust’s blog has featured a number of recent posts about the very real mental and physical health benefits we get from spending time in the natural world.
Similarly, Northumberland National Park’s blog spotlights how local businesses are adapting to the pandemic and…velvet sausages (you’ll just have to trust us on this one). You can also take a virtual tour of the Park!
Here are a few of our other favourites from Partners and elsewhere:
The title photo is of the viaduct at Ribble Head, copyright Natural England.
Use our interactive DISCOVER map to explore the Rede Valley, facilities and places of interest to visit.
Revitalising Redesdale Partners are delivering a range of projects to “inspire and enable us all to care for Redesdale."
There are many events covering a wide range of topics and activities, find out what's on in Redesdale over the next few months.
We have created a series of 6 self-guided walk leaflets to help you to explore some of the footpaths and bridleways around the area.
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